Willows High School "Home of the Honkers"

Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
H: Honorable individuals who:
- Demonstrate respect and interact positively when working with their peers
- Demonstrate habits of punctuality and reliability
- Demonstrate integrity and honesty
O: Organized students who:
- Successfully complete the Senior Portfolio
- Utilize a variety of organizational tools, using both technology and traditional materials
N: Network savvy students who:
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic technology skills, both in academic, career and personal settings
- Seek a variety of outside resources to identify and research problems and find solutions
K: Knowledgeable individuals who:
- Make adequate yearly progress toward or beyond both the district and the state proficiency standards
- Produce finished products, using a variety of resources, as evidence of standard-based understanding
- Successfully complete the Health and Physical Education requirements to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle
- Graduates who complete A-G coursework and are able to successfully enter college, a four year university, trade school, the military or the workforce
E: Effective communicators who:
- Read, write, speak and listen proficiently and effectively in English
- Analyze and articulate ideas clearly, creatively and effectively through oral, written and artistic expression
- Are able to self-advocate
R: Responsible and productive citizens who:
- Contribute time, energy and talents to improve the quality of their community through the incorporation of community service hours
- Take responsibility for their choices and actions
- Fill out a resume and job application, register to vote, and are prepared to give back to the community